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ILRC Voices & Stories Access in the News!
By Brittany Pudnos Posted on October 19, 2022
Did you know that Close to 30 million adults in the U.S. could benefit from hearing aid use? And that the average price of an adult hearing aid is about $2,000-$3,000. It can range from $1,000 up to more than $4,000 for each device, depending on the level of technology. The good news is that the push for easier access to assistive technology had a big win recently! On August 16th, The U.S. FDA issued a final rule to improve access to hearing aids… read Brittany's entire blog post.
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What We Do…
The Independent Living Resource Center is a public-benefit, nonprofit organization that promotes the Independent Living (IL) philosophy and its tenets of full access, equal opportunity, and maximum success and self-sufficiency for all people with disabilities.
ILRC has four offices serving the vast tri-counties region, covering San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
Most consumers come to ILRC when they encounter physical or societal barriers to independent living.
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Your generous donation will go a long way in providing the funds that are neccessary to offering the important services to our consumers in the community. We thank you ahead of time!
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